How To Get Rid Of Wrinkles Under Eyes Fast
Sooner or later, every girl is faced with the appearance of the first wrinkles. How unpleasant to see them for the first time on my face, but alas, no one is immune. It is believed that the first wrinkles appear after 25 or even 30 years, but actually this happens much earlier. The first wrinkles may appear already at the age of 18. They will hardly be noticeable to others, but if you didn't ask about how to remove wrinkles under the eyes, with age, their number will be much greater. Why the appearance of wrinkles most strongly affected the area around the eyes? First, the skin is several times thinner than on other parts of the face. Secondly, it contains a huge number of tiny muscles that we use constantly: when watching TV, blinking, smiling, walk under the scorching sun. Thirdly, with age, the skin around the eyes becomes less rich in collagen and elastin, and it is these components support its youth and smoothness. Completely get rid of wrinkles around the eyes can not, over the years, one way or another they will appear, but to reduce their number several times and make them much less noticeable it is possible. To begin, you need to normalize your lifestyle and daily routine. Do not underestimate these factors in the fight against wrinkles.
A healthy lifestyle as a means of getting rid of wrinkles
Every man knows that if he starts to monitor their health, exercise and eat right, you will feel much better and look younger. Unfortunately, not all people follow the state of your body, rather they check it every day for strength. Sooner or later it will affect both on health, and on the appearance of the person. No one says you have to be a professional athlete and to live strictly according to the plan, the realities of modern life it is impossible, but at least try to pay attention to yourself your favorite need.
Wrong routine, lack of proper sleep, eating on the run, all this affects our appearance and skin condition in the first place. Need to make only small adjustments in your lifestyle and change attitude to sport and health, how you will feel and look much better.
The first thing you should pay attention to is the food. Somewhere I read such an intelligent phrase that man is what he eats. In a sense, I agree. If we eat only junk food, sooner or later you're going to get well, you may have problems with the stomach and liver. If we starve yourself, eat on occasion, skip Breakfast, lunch or even dinner, our body begins to devour itself, we risk much to lose weight and earn a variety of unpleasant diseases, and to gain weight then to a normal level would be very difficult.
Proper and regular nutrition is key to a healthy body and a good appearance. If we eat right, and get rid of wrinkles around the eyes will be easier. First of all, our skin is rich in vitamins and nutrients. Secondly, various cosmetics, creams and masks will lie down on the skin much better and have a greater effect. Eat more vegetables, fruits and nuts, and avoid fried and fatty foods, and fast food. Of course, sometimes the temptation to eat something delicious, but unhealthy, very large, try to deal with their desires. Even if completely abandon such food does not work, reduce the amount to a minimum.
Also a very important restful sleep. Try to sleep and Wake up at the same time, sleep at least 8 hours a day, but do not tighten this pleasure too long sleep too, is hardly useful. The result is lack of sleep a person can receive swelling and bruising under the eyes that make wrinkles much more noticeable. Lack of sleep also affects health and the human body in General.
Do not underestimate the beneficial properties of water. It's one of the most effective and affordable sources of youth. Wash more often your face with cool water, drink at least 6-8 glasses of water a day. This will give the skin extra hydration and nutrition.
Try to avoid stressful situations, give yourself and others the joy, do not make scandals over nothing, try to look for all the positive. Probably not heard that because of the anger all diseases. Of course, this is not quite true, but the fact that during the swearing and clarify the relationships we spend your nerves worse and we start to feel, it's a fact. So try not to get angry, at least for the sake of their beauty and health.
Smoke? Immediately throw! In the area of the wrinkles around the eyes become more prominent. The fact that Smoking contributes to a number of diseases, I think, and so everyone knows. Hardly my words will make people abandon this harmful habit, but at least think about the health of your child, as they become unwitting participants in the process area, and has long been proven that passive smokers suffer no less, and even more than active.
It is no secret that the sun's rays, no matter how they enjoyed us, accelerate the formation of wrinkles. Of course, sun exposure is including a useful exercise, but don't be lazy and wear sunglasses when going outside if necessary.
Try to keep a healthy lifestyle. After all, our health and our appearance is the main thing that we have.
How to remove wrinkles under eyes at home
To get rid of wrinkles can be at home, but not in all cases. If your skin is already too far advanced, and wrinkles in the eye area is already quite a lot, home methods will only be able to slightly improve the situation, we should not expect from them is impossible.
Naturally the first thing you have creams to prevent wrinkles. This question cannot be saved. Cheap tools will hardly help you to get rid of wrinkles. Special attention should be paid to those creams that promote the synthesis of collagen, but bypassing the products containing hormones. They, of course, will have a significant effect, but soon you will realize that you can not do without these creams, so as a waiver of them will lead to a sharp increase in wrinkles. That's why we say hormones - no! Be sure to consult with specialists, after all, who but they can give really useful advice in this matter.
Good effect in the fight against wrinkles and have masks. They should be moisturizing and nourishing. By the way, these masks are recommended during winter skin care. Masks you can buy in pharmacies and specialized stores, so make for themselves. Before buying or making do not forget to read reviews.
Folk remedies in the fight against wrinkles
To become more beautiful, girls often turn to folk remedies, and in many situations they really help. This includes wrinkles under the eyes.
Very effective against wrinkles is olive oil. It should be applied on the skin around the eyes, and then in a circular motion to gently massage.
Also moisturize and nourish the skin with grape seed oil. It significantly slows down the aging process of the skin and reduces wrinkles.
I think many people know about the miraculous properties of vitamin E. it is possible to reduce the number of existing wrinkles, making them less noticeable, but also to prevent the formation of new ones. It can be mixed with sea buckthorn oil, and apply it in pure form. It is recommended to apply the mask with vitamin E in the evening for 15-20 minutes.
Do not forget about the cucumber. Is there a man which had not seen my wife with slices of cucumber on the eyes? Hardly! The cucumber should be cut into thin slices and put on eyes for 10-20 minutes, if you have time, it can be even longer. Cucumber helps to fight wrinkles and swelling under the eyes.
Coconut oil is also able to prevent the emergence of new and to reduce existing wrinkles. It should be applied on the skin around the eye movements. The effect may be noticeable after 1-2 weeks.
Effective against wrinkles including lemon juice. It should be applied to the skin under the eyes 2 times a day, thus avoid getting juice in the eye. Over time, wrinkles will be less.